Thursday, September 14, 2006

you better fucking look like this if you want in my pants

i don't care about the angle or the lighting or the make-up... you just better have these baseline qualities/features/attributes/

this baseline flavor/persona... or else you will never experience my penis. beggars can be choosers... go figure it out you fucking clown.

when living in the realm of the socially inept socialites... please remember one thing. until five substantial interactions have taken place there is absolutely no reason to believe that a person will: make eye-contact and greet you upon your next encounter... any number of interactions (usually inebriated or initiated by mutual friends) lower than five (and maybe even up to 15) will probably lead to situations that involve averted eyes upon the moment of physical recognition followed by internal awkward moments of running thought "i know you... but i don't know if you want to know me so i'll play it cool... i think you wanted to greet maybe, you might have looked at me in a socially opening manner... but we have passed the point of comfortable/casual exchange initiation... and now this is really tense and weird... more weird (weirder)... and now we are out of each other's physical area."

jesus the titty fucker i do not understand how that happens...

if you have been introduced to a person and you remember them and some of the things that the two of you talked about then why not greet and have a microcosm of a meaningful exchange which will help to build the comfort... why these social isolationist attitudes? is it merely ineptitude or do individuals want to remain at an awkward arm's length. it is the arm that is awkward... not the distance that is being expressed by the length of the awkward arm.

get it together and be a human. i am trying hard.

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