Saturday, September 16, 2006

yo yo yo this mother fucker don't believe shit.


you surprised by what i am saying? well don't be bitch... i would slap you, real good, if i thought that it would help us make progress. you are so fuckin wrapped up in your own shit that you have failed to maintain the habit of observation... your world is just a dome... under the ground... you are hanging out with the inter-dimensional DMT guides... you have no fucking clue. I could fist you quickly and snap that ass back to reality... uncomfortable sensations will do it every time... just run from them... avoid avoid avoid... it isn't my fault that people don't think... but it is a reality of this existence... it is not going to change any time soon... there may be no reason for people to think, i am implying that thinking involves critical thinking and observational analysis, in our current environment... as long as the survival side of things is good then we might as well dive into sensation and other tangential endeavors. there is no obvious beacon calling the masses to the halls of intellectualism. so just fuck... buy some nice clothes... alter your state... try out new brain states... the ones you can't reach without outside help... i knew a kid named Yan Margolin that believed he could duplicate the hallucinations of psychedelic drugs through a series of choices... without the ingestion of substances of any kind. he, indirectly, told me about it at a sweet sixteen many years ago... it was way over the heads of the stoned kids he was preaching to. regardless, people may be justified in labeling me 'lame' or 'a tight ass' because of my desire to see more intellectual processes going on in my surroundings...

but i don't know... i am fuckin pissed and depressed and alone... and that shit better be for a reason... if my hatred of trite thoughtlessness is really off the mark... i might just have to convert myself into a tranny cunt and cut a slit in my pants for easy ass-hole access. i would let dudes fuck me in any location... i would tell chicks to bring strap-ons on their commutes... so they could give me a quick fuck on the way to work... they could strap the dildo on over their business shorts... you know the ones that are cuffed right below the knee cap... usually made of tweed or some swank shit like that... they could strap it over those and only penetrate enough to avoid contact with the back of my thighs... or contact with the juices flowing from my festering shitty bung... whatever

the point is... that i have chosen a stance... and despite my uncertainty i have ascertained with my cognitive apparatus that the way i choose to look at everything is a logically commendable way of approaching it all. i think that my take is a good take... and all you fucking idiots toying with the ideas of bohemian lifestyles and the brilliance of running your perceptual apparatus into the ground... i tell you to come at existence with a slightly elevated level of acumen and stop fucking anus when you want a baby ( O ).... gaped and ready. possibly even prolapsed.... EWWWWWWWW WHAT THE FUCK?

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