Wednesday, May 17, 2006

paper clip

i don't have the stomach for hip scenes. trendy scenes??? i will try to find some terminology that doesn't push the buttons of the snooty people within the scenes i am trying to describe. the thick black-rimmed glasses and tight pants... that is an extreme token example, but shit like that. it all seems particularly transitive. it is as though the scenes are composed of people that want to find a niche that they can use to get laid and make easy friends. the kind of thing that is not expected to last. those lifestyles that are identified as phases as they are happening. no history professors needed on the "one carpenter jean-leg rolled up" phenomenon.

however, interesting people do tend to get sucked into the hip scenes. they want to get laid and have good conversations just like everyone else. perhaps they haven't had a chance to look from the outside to see how horrid the bullshit actually is.

i think my message is this; don't form bonds, be as bitter as possible, and really lay it on thick when you find someone that is willing to listen.

maybe i can change up my lifestyle and bring home a slopfest from a scummy bar. cure me. purge.

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