Friday, August 18, 2006

do you have your key?

i sit through dinners. i listen to the conversations. bunch of dinner-robot bullshit. people talk about the problems they are having with their cars, the drama in their work-places, they make reference to political situations... but they barely even skim the surface of the issues... they recognize that an issue exist and that it is a shame or that it is whatever other one-word thing that it is, they stay on sturdy ground, talk about the yankees, talk about vacations, talk about barbecue....

i must be a fucking retard.

i am the one complaining. i am the one that is dissatisfied... i am pissed, because i am probably a shit-eating emo faggot... and i just haven't seen it this whole time.

but that is only one option. more likely... the world is filled with douche bags and i just happen to be a pristine vagina. i will strike a pose and hope that the splendor is recognized.


when i fail i will just call, lonely as shit, and try to scum my way in to some satisfying interaction.

despite the plight i will be all right. golly, i love my time on the internet...

jerk-off or move on. fucking dipshit.


S. said...

You're probably familiar with the Aristotelian idea that happiness is an ethical state of being. That's why so many people are unhappy. They are in full awareness of all the bullshit that's happening but choose to remain in this static realm of inaction. It doesn't have to be anything big about changing the world, just simple things that make your immediate mental and physical environment a better place.

keith said...

activity of the soul, in accordance with virtue... nicomachean ethics baby!!!