Monday, June 19, 2006

excuse me, what is the balance on your metrocard?

pick up the phone. back to default social mode. hit the reset button. put the face on. lace the weed with pcp and wait for the echo to come first. fractals fractals. no that is a different schedule. take the step from 1 to 2. are there different penalties for possession or is it just how badass the substance really is. at the heart of its platonic being.

some people have been known to wear a profound ontological shirt after ingesting this substance.

experience no sound economical gifts.

buy a silk shift in soho.

all the pieces are there somewhere... now... let me find my brain. actually, i think that personas are the only interesting thing that we have got. information is drab. most of the good stuff comes from the way that we experience each other. the raw sensations. the way that our figures look. the physical presence and the physical awareness. the thinking side of things can plague us. it is okay to indulge in thought, but be sure to return to baseline. in other words... remember to get down. pin some legs up, get your box serviced. whatever you like. just remember that purpose is optional and meaning is an old wives' tale. get a life picture and alter it often... if you can.


Tikilee said...

Good Stuff
I especially like "it is okay to indulge in thought, but be sure to return to baseline. in other words... remember to get down."

That’s good advice, no one like a soapbox hog.

keith said...

would be great if i wasn't a hypocrite. then i would be better than all other human bing-wads.