Sunday, October 08, 2006


two daughters of south america within my comfort zone. i know their neighborhood. they invite me to their home. often we sit in the backyard. the nice gardens and the nice fountains on their property are set against vine-covered steel fences. the fences are 15 feet high. the daughters are beautiful. they live in the city. they know the reality. but they wear nice earrings and well-made tank tops. their bathingsuits are tasteful. they smile when things are nice. they laugh when the humor is right. i have come to respect their styles. they talk to me as a friend. i have thought about them sexually from time to time. but i try not to drag them into masturbation. i am actually fond of these young women. maybe this will be the first time that i don't step over the bounds.

i am left to wonder if it is fear or class that keeps me standing firm.


Anonymous said...

They sound classy.

And classy is always good.


S. said...

There's something about South American women that I love. They're so warm, maternal, vibrant, passionate, just feeling. I am aware that's a gross generalization that sounds like I picked it out of a book, but they are. They're rich and clairvoyant.

S. said...

There's something about South American women that I love. They're so warm, maternal, vibrant, passionate, just feeling. I am aware that's a gross generalization that sounds like I picked it out of a book, but they are. They're rich and clairvoyant.